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Below we have compiled answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
What guarantees do I have when I buy an instrument?

When buying a new instrument, the manufacturer’s guarantees are given (usually 5 years on acoustic instruments and 2 years on all electronic parts/functions).
For a second-hand instrument, we give a 2-year guarantee on all mechanical functions.

Can I also buy a digital piano from Piano Sigrist?

No, digital pianos can only be rented. However, parts of the rental fee are credited towards the purchase of an acoustic piano or grand piano.

What do I have to pay attention to when I buy a piano from a private person?

Ask the following questions during the first contact:

  • When was the piano last tuned?
  • How often was it tuned?
  • How old is the instrument?

A piano should be tuned regularly (preferably annually). Otherwise damage can occur. If the instrument is badly out of tune, a tuner may have to tune it several times before the tuning holds – these costs must be taken into account.

It is best to take a professional with you for an expert opinion, this way you can avoid surprises.

How do I best prepare for the purchase?

It is best to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is particularly important to me about an instrument? (e.g.: a sonorous bass, a crystal clear treble, fast repetition, easy to play,…).
  • How much money do I want to/can I spend on the instrument?
  • Where is the best place to put the instrument – how much space do I have? (Attention: The instrument should not be placed on an outside wall or in full sunlight and not directly on the underfloor heating).
  • What is the transport route? Floor? External stairs? Will the instrument fit into a lift?

With these answers, you are already well prepared for a purchase from us.

Do I have to pay separately for transport?

A flat rate is covered by Piano Sigrist, but the difference has to be paid by yourself. In most cases, the flat rate covers the entire transport – only in special situations or higher floors without a lift will the costs be higher.

What is included in the purchase?

When purchasing an instrument, the 1st tuning, a standard piano bench as well as a flat rate fee for the transport is included in the price.

What should I look for when buying a piano?
  1. With a piano, you are not only buying the instrument, but also the service of the company. You should therefore also consider whether the philosophy of the company appeals to you or whether you like the people involved.
  2. A piano is a long-term companion and must be cared for and maintained accordingly – so think carefully about who you see as a professional partner.
    Especially in the case of refurbished instruments or Asian products, many people neglect to play in the piano before selling it. This only becomes apparent after a few months in your home. So ask when you buy if the instrument will be “played in” before it is delivered.
  3. You are buying the instrument for yourself – don’t let a third party talk you into something that doesn’t suit you. Buy with your heart and not with your wallet, because the instrument will accompany you for many years to come.
  4. Clothes make the man and the case makes the piano – especially with children, the visual plays a big role in whether you sit down to practise or not. If they like the piano, most children will play more often.